A Stronger Future for Rural America
Fighting for working families, fair wages, and the promise of opportunity for all.
We Fight for the American People!
Everyday, we are fighting for a government of the people, for the people, by the people! We believe in people over profits, communities over corporations!
Healthcare for All
Climate & Family Farms
Infrastructure & Broadband
Education & Future Generations
Help Us Create a Better Cooke County!
We count on YOU to continue fighting for a progressive agenda that benefits all Americans, not just the few.
We can change our beautiful county for the better, but we need your help.
Our Letters & Publications

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Our Mission: A Better Cooke County
We believe that when we stand together—workers, farmers, students, and seniors—we can build a fair economy, expand healthcare, protect our environment, and create the kind of future that lifts everyone up. We fight for policies that invest in local infrastructure, support family farms, and empower small businesses over corporate monopolies.

A vision for a brighter tomorrow
Key focus areas for political growth
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Led by dedicated public servants with deep local roots, we’re building solutions that strengthen our communities from the ground up.
Volunteer drives, town halls, and community outreach—our actions match our principles every step of the way.
Our History

Political gallery
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James Lee
Beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed. Beatae vitae dicta. Adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.
Collin Gordon
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