On behalf of local volunteer Deputy Registrars, I want to give a big shout out to the folks in Cooke County’s Voter Registration Office. Tax Assessor-Collector Brandy Carr oversees this office, and Katherine Baker is the point person for making sure all of the rules are enforced, while getting everyone who wants to vote signed up. In fact, all of the staff members enthusiastically support their efforts.
Especially since we hear so much negative reporting these days about voter suppression/voter fraud, I think it is important to acknowledge the expertise and dedication of these good people. I have served for years as a volunteer Deputy Registrar, so I have had ample opportunity to interact with them and to witness their level of professionalism.
Ms. Carr encourages and supports newly deputized volunteers, keeps up with a complicated set of rules, and answers our questions with competence and confidence. Ms. Baker works to make sure every single card is handled with the care all citizens deserve. As the deadline for registering approached this week, for example, she took considerable time to call new voters whose cards lacked complete information and thus secured their right to vote. That demonstrates a real commitment, not just to doing her job, but also to serving our community.
These are the frontline workers who make our democracy work. Because of them, Cooke County citizens can have confidence in our election process. It makes me proud of our community to see such dedicated public servants doing their job well!