Our Great Leaders President Trump and Governor Abbott are doing an incredible job stamping out diversity, equity, and inclusion, but I fear they haven’t yet gotten to the root of the problem. To destroy evil permanently you have to rip it out from its foundations.
We are all aware of the America’s 1776 original sin—the Declaration of Independence. When the radical woke leftist Thomas Jefferson described all men as being created equal and endowed with inalienable rights, he imposed absolute Marxism on our young, unsuspecting republic. How could real Americans have guessed that even slaves and women would soon think that applied to them!
But most Americans are unaware that soon after we gained our independence the same leftist woke agenda got implanted in the Preamble of the Constitution itself: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
Let’s take a close look at that DEI language. “We the People” tragically started the woke idea of inclusion, and “a more perfect union” implies that our great Founding Fathers were not already perfect, an idea calculated to destroy future generations’ patriotism. The clause “establish justice” is obviously where the woke idea of equity comes from. “Insure domestic Tranquility” makes some stupid people think that true patriots can’t even storm the capital to overturn elections they don’t like. “Common defence” implies that the government should defend everyone, even radical leftists! Perhaps the most dangerous phrase is “promote the general Welfare.” We all know how that has been abused to further the dangerous idea that even poor children should be educated, and old people should get pensions and health care. Finally, that last clause extends liberty even to “Posterity”—talk about inclusion! That would include millions of people from all over the world!
With the Declaration and this Preamble, the woke movement almost immediately started the antislavery and women’s rights movements. The radical leftist Marxist Frederick Douglass even claimed the Constitution itself was an antislavery document! His extremism helped start the Civil War! Then things got even worse after the War when the noble South failed to stamp out diversity, equity, and inclusion. The radical left added the 14th Amendment with its woke language about birthright citizenship, even though everyone knew that the drunken, lazy, violent Irish were already poisoning our blood and polluting our gene pool. Under that Marxist Amendment, all kinds of people, even the Chinese and Eastern Europeans, got to call themselves Americans and thought that as “persons” they were entitled to equal protection and due process under the law (equity rears its ugly head again!)
Throughout the 20th century, the woke agenda made it impossible for children to get jobs in the textile mills and coal mines, encouraged workers to form unions, forced businesses to provide safe workplaces, broke up our cherished monopolies, and demanded DEI even for African Americans—there seemed to be no end to their nonsense! To top it off, they created the Deep State that continues to tyrannize over true Americans, just to stop common sense from overturning their agenda.
Finally, With President Trump and Governor Abbott we have Great Leaders with good genes and common sense who recognize the evils of diversity, equity, and inclusion. If we can’t get all of the people with bad genes deported, maybe we can adopt Jonathan Swift’s “Modest Proposal” to get rid of them. As he noted, “A young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled.” If we eat the children, as Swift proposed, we can bring down the price of groceries even as we get rid of the immigrant infestation!